Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book Review

Daughters-in-LawDaughters-in-Law by Joanna Trollope

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As a mother of 3 sons, Rachel is quite domineering and rather used to having things her way. As they marry, sparks fly as the couples strive to form their own lives, which are not always to the liking of their mother/mother-in-law. These characters are all well formed and believable, and it is intriguing to see how they impact one another in the continued search for family unity despite life changes that are always inevitable. Rachel has positioned herself as a wife and mother and the one who plans and oversees family gatherings. When this is no longer needed or wanted in the same way, not only does she have to deal with the change, but her entire family learns and grows from it in good ways. The book ends very happily and although that part is not so realistic, I loved that it did so. Ms.Trollope gives us such a well written gift of a story that goes to the heart of relationships. Of course, being an Anglophile at heart, all the little bits and pieces of English life make the read even more endearing.

View all my reviews
Author Note: Did you know that Joanna is related to Anthony Trollope, wonderful author of so many fine books in 1800's England

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