Monday, October 31, 2011

Book Review

A Death in the FamilyA Death in the Family by James Agee

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I hardly even know what to say about this incredible book. Although about death and all the sadness for so many people, it is so profound in the way it describes so much of what is felt and said and experienced. I felt at times that I had almost written the words myself.

In the first part we get to know the man who will die and his son and their relationship. Also, that of he and his wife. The second part deals with his death and how his family is told of the news. The last part is the funeral and the feelings and thoughts especially of his two young children. Their mother is a woman of great faith and continues to look to God for his peace.

Others in the family do not hold with faith and it is so interesting to see how they each handle the ordeal.

Ironically, Mr. Agee died at a young age  and so we were not given the gift of more of his books. This was a tiring book to read, emotionally, but I recommend it for all.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. James Agee, a wonderful choice! I have read only a little of his writing; one was an excerpt about childhood memories in Knoxville, Tennessee - a short selection in the literature book when I was teaching American lit. The other was a quote from "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men" that I used in one of my self-published photography books. Now I'm reminded to read all of that book as well as the one you recommended. There's something special about Southern writing, isn't there?



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