Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Book Review

Jane and the Stillroom Maid (Jane Austen Mysteries, #5)Jane and the Stillroom Maid by Stephanie Barron

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Another intriguing mystery, 5th in the series with Jane Austen as the investigator with a classic touch. I always learn new little bits when I read these books about England of early 1800's. I did not know what a stillroom maid was until now. The one in this story comes to a bad end but not before she has concocted her potions for many others. Jane, her mother and sister are in Bakewell when trouble happens and in between the social happenings, Jane is intently endeavoring to solve the murder mystery, which, of course, she does with great aplomb. I love the depth of detail that makes up these delicious mysteries and I heartily recommend them to Jane Austen fans especially.

View all my reviews


  1. Oh, Jane Austen stuff! Love it. There's a really nice website that I follow called Austenprose.com. You need to take a look at it! It covers not only Jane Austen's books but others that use her as a character, just like this mystery!

  2. I never heard of this series. It sounds good so I'll have to check it out!



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